Trip to Friluftsregionen (The Outdoor Region) in Aarhus

Ry, Himmelbjerget, Kayak and Camping

Earlier this year I was asked If I wanted to come down to the outdoor region of Aarhus where they would make a program for me in exchange for photos and advertisement through my instagram.

So last week, on Monday, we boarded our plane to Billund where we were picked up by Karen Marie Dixen from @visitskanderborg and drove to Ry, a small cute little town in the region of Skanderborg. 

We dropped our stuff off at our campsite with @ryoutdoor365 before boarding a sun boat that took us from Ry to the foot of Himmelbjerget – The Sky Mountain – with the impressing altitude of 147 meters above sea level. It was a really nice boat trip. Since the engine is only driven by solar power it is really quiet, so we could really enjoy the sounds of nature around us. Thanks to our guide Henry from Solbaaden we learned a lot about the area from Birksø to Julsø and he spotted the wildlife hidden on the lakeside. 

At the foot of Himmelbjerget we met up with Marianne who showed us the way to Himmelbjerget while telling the different stories and history related to the mountain. It’s a nice easy hike which grants quite the view when you get to the top. Even though it’s only 147 meters, the rest of the landscape is flat and lower so you can see really far. 

Back down again we met up with Erik from RyOutdoor 365/Handigear/DiTFriluftsliv who’d brought Kayaks for us to paddle our way down again to Ry and our campsite. We’ve really wanted to kayak all summer so it was really nice to get the opportunity. 

Our campsite is a place managed by Erik and his partners who do incredible work. As one of the only ones in Scandinavia they make different types of gear for people with handicaps so that they also can experience the fun of different outdoor activities. 

We had dinner in the tipi, salmon and vegetables cooked on the fire, and sat around talking until it was time for bed. 


Hiking Day

After breakfast with Erik, Karen Marie came to pick us up and we drove to the start of the hiking route Himmelbjergruten. We got lunch from Kvickly and starting hiking the route which goes along Birksø and Julsø up to Svejbæk. It’s a nice, easy and flat walk through forest, along the bank of the lake and among small idyllic houses. We took our time and just enjoyed the calmness of the area. As we were there a bit out of season we had almost the whole hike to ouselves. 

We arrived at our camp, Skyttehuset Camping, in the afternoon where a glamping tent was booked for us. First time I heard that term was actually this summer, so it was fun to see what it actually was. I think it stands for glorified camping and our tent was huge with space for eating, a refrigerator, a huge bed. It looked like a tent from the Harry Potter universe on the inside. For dinner we rented a boat and rowed over to Aalekroen, a cozy little lakeside restaurant.


Boat, Silkeborg and Mountain Biking.

After a quick breakfast we met up with Heidi Lindberg from @visitsilkeborg to get our boat tickets for Hjeljen and information about the day. We had some hours before the boat so we hiked around a small lake called Slåensø, just beside Skyttehuset Camping. 

After the hike we got on the boat. If you’re lucky you get the chance to take the really old steam boat called Hjeljen. We didn’t get that one but caught a glimpse of it when we arrived at Silkeborg. 

In Silkeborg we were invited to eat lunch at Drewsens, a really nice tapas restaurant using local foods and situated in the old town hall in Silkeborg. After the delicious lunch we met up with MTB Guide Silkeborg and Active Rental for some mountain biking. 

We had a really nice guide called Simon who took us around the trails that’s been built in the forests around Silkeborg. At the moment it’s a 30km mountain bike trail, and still growing, so naturally we only had time for a part of it. It was really fun and they made the absolute best out of quite a flat landscape. 

After the mountain biking we walked to our camp for the night at Gudenåen Camping who’d booked a nice hut for us. The camp was only a short walk away from Silkeborg so at night we walked into town to get some dinner and a beer at one of the bars. 

We had a great stay in Denmark, a nice late summer holiday to ease our way into the semester. Even though it was late summer we had great weather and I can imagine it is even better there in the middle of summer.  


Thank you to:
















Summer plans of 2019

This summer my girlfriend, Linn, and I are traveling from Trondheim, and up through Nordland. We’re driving up Helgelandskysten and taking the boat from Bodø to the Træna festival. Back in Bodø we’re moving up Kystriksveien up to Senja before driving down Vesterålen and Lofoten. We only have a few dates planned and know that we have to be back in Trondheim late the 27th of July.

We’re really excited to experience the north!
